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The Selfless One

June 18, 2012

The one who holds you in his lap first after you are born..
The one who holds those silent tears of joy on seeing you first time..
The one who will be the horse when you will want to ride around as a kid..
The one who will be capturing each moment of you childhood in photographs..
The one who will have a 10 hour day in office and will still play with you after coming home..
The one who will take you for a ice cream after Dinner..
The one who will be teaching you to ride a bicycle and assure you that you wont fall..
The one who will be present at every sports day when you are participating..
The one who will always slip you that candy when mom isn’t looking..
The one who will live on few pairs of clothes just so you can move around in expensive jeans..
The one who will start losing you little bit each year as you grow up..
The one who will promise you a Bike when you get into an Engineering College and fulfil it..
The one who will be very watchful about your friends and make sure they are good..
The one who will never let you now the financial troubles he is going through..
The one who will be very proud when you graduate and he will bring the sweets..
The one who wont talk much but his love is transferred through actions..
The one whom you always take for granted and now feel that he doesn’t understand you..
You will always hug your mom but never hug him or Say that you love him..
The one who has got old and he just wishes that you get settled in life and be Happy…
The one who never asked for anything from you just gave selflessly..
Still when you call him from seven seas apart and fight around to find words to say to him..
He is your Father, the reason for your being on Earth..
Respect him, Worship Him, At least Say Thank you to him…
A Very Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers of the World…

5 Comments leave one →
  1. June 22, 2012 12:22 am

    Awesome …simply awesome

  2. rohanabstractedly permalink
    June 19, 2012 4:21 pm

    A perfect tribute to a person called ‘Father’!! 🙂


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