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June 12, 2012

Music – it just does something to you, doesn’t it? After a long hard day, where you spent every minute trying to curb your inner werewolf to come out and shred the population around to pieces (too graphic, substitute by –‘very tiring hard day’). You drive back home thanking God that you survived one more day in office and as you unwind and put those headphones on, gradually every note coming out of that iPod melts the day out of you.

It just your best companion, a wait in a long queue doesn’t matter that much if you have all your favorite songs, decent battery charge and your ear buds, time flows seamlessly. You are transported to that dream world where you are humming along, air banding your favorite beats or pretending to play the guitar solo, that’s just so awesome. It doesn’t matter people around might be thinking that you are attacked by bunch of bees or having a seizure.

You can always find music that would act as a catalyst to the kind of mood you are in, the sad songs when you are down, the Hard Rock when you are pumping Iron, the Pink Floyd’s when you are high, the Club music when you want to go crazy; you throw a challenge every time and every time Music delivers. I always put some music when I want to think hard about something, it provides me that detachment from the world that emits the peace required to think straight and be objective.

How many of us have gone through that period after a breakup where we sulk for days listening to the saddest of the songs present and metamorphose into a modern devdas or that time when we are getting the farewell from school or college and everybody is singing along hand in hand to ‘Yaaron’ or ‘Yaad ayenge who Pal’ or when you see it’s raining outside, you automatically start humming some rain song you have etched in your mind.

Music provides us that medium when we are short of words to express something or when we want to make somebody feel special when words alone won’t do or the joy inside wants to transcend out in harmony. It speaks your language, it mirrors your emotions, it flows with your frequency.Every time when you have your headphones on; Music becomes you.

  “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” ~ Bob Marley

One Comment leave one →
  1. Candlez permalink
    June 13, 2012 1:18 am

    What a musical come back..! 😉
    Refreshing post as always…with your trademark humorous beginning.. 🙂
    Keep it is nice to read the posts..

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