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This & That

September 8, 2010

Hello my fellow Neitizens: Hope I am finding you in the best of health and wellbeing. Last few weeks have been crazy busy and life has struggled to have a break for breathing also. But busy schedule has followed the sine curve thankfully and now I have the time to catch back on my blog, which has lost lot of weight due to lake of care and nourishment.
So the web is buzzing with some heavy duty news floating around, sometimes I feel these news keep the excitement alive in our daily lives and reaffirm our interests in the world. Everybody will be aware of the CWG mess that has taken shape in the heart of India – New Delhi. I am so ashamed to say that I am not surprised to see the current state of affairs of the CWG preparation (using the word ‘preparation’ was little inconvenient as I remember that all stadiums for Beijing Olympics were ready 4 years in advance).
What were we expecting? The venue of games was decided as New Delhi – the residence of the Clean Slated “Politicians” and worst the reign of games was also given in the hands of politicos. So as prepositioned, Toilet paper roll was bought at 1000 bucks a roll (for some Royal ASSES, I am sure) and soap dishes for some 800 bucks. List is endless and as during cyclothon athletes were busy avoiding the stray dogs on the track and Sheila Dixit and Kalmadi in synchronous voice were chanting – The games are on track and would be executed with grandiose splendor.
Amidst all this, we all thought at least Rehman will provide the sonorous respite from the ruins and we will have an awesome theme song for the games, which will hopefully cover the deplorable state of the games (much like the Incredible India Ads – which highlight the best of India, they show the picturesque locations but hide the potholed road to those locations). But as they say – sometimes bad luck is there to stay, so in spite of Rehman’s boast that song will be better than Waka Waka; the song turned out to be a even a more dismal hit than the Mallu version Laka Laka. And the eyebrows stretched further when the princely amount paid to Rehman for the song was revealed – 5 crores. We could have hired Shakira only for the Indian version of Waka Waka for the games in that amount, but as usual sense has deluded the games in all ways, why this sphere would have been spared.
So currently we have multiple unprepared game venues with rains playing havoc all the time, with new stories of corruption coming out every day from Kalmadi and Co. as Sheila Dixit continues to defend the games and on top of that Rehman’ song is playing the background; pretty much this paints the best picture of the CWG.
I am least expectant that India will be able to host the Common wealth games successfully; I would be certainly delighted if I am proved wrong, but I am not optimistic about the chances of that. Anyways I am uncertain even if the games were a success, what kind of interest would these games had generated in India. India follows only one game i.e. cricket. I am sure organizers would have been ferrying school children (primary scapegoats for crowd at events) to these events as general public would be least interested in Athletics and others such events (I guess).
In the end, I sincerely hope that the Indian Self Respect is not tattered in the eyes of the World. Amen.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. September 16, 2010 1:54 pm

    Indian Self Respect is already tattered. Now let’s hope we can win some medals to compensate that.

  2. September 13, 2010 3:16 pm

    Its hoping against hope for the sake of India’s pride I hope the Games go off smoothly.

    @ Pats, I beg to differ rains can hardly be an excuse because we knew it for last few yrs that India is hosting the Games… instead of sleeping and signing of profitable deals the Govt should have been working more steadily in putting things in place

    PS: you need to write more regularly!!

  3. Prateek permalink
    September 8, 2010 8:16 pm

    Welcome back. Nice post. Living in Delhi I know how prepared we are. Plus the rain gods have been a bit to kind on us and Yamuna is threatening to flood the city. I bet it is because Shiela Dikshit and Kalmadi prayed hard for excess rains. That way atleast they will have an excuse.

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